When Disaster Strikes
Clean Water Saves Lives
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Our mission is to provide access to safe drinking water for victims of natural disasters.
3 Million
People die from contaminated water after disasters each year.
What if there were a device that could provide clean drinking water after natural disasters?
WaterBox is a revolutionary water purification system.
WaterBox provides multiple layers of purification to produce drinkable water. It is a high-quality, compact, portable filter to purify drinking water in even the most severe environments.

A Global Water Overview
Natural Disasters Globally
Estimated natural disasters per year in the last 10 years
3.4 Million+
Americans were displaced due to natural disasters in 2022
People Affected by Natural Disasters
Estimated deaths per year in the last 10 years
200 Millon
100-200 million people yearly are left homeless, or suffering
Contaminated Water
771 Million
Estimated people that still lack access to clean and safe water
3 Million
People on average die every year globally
2 Billion+
People globally use a drinking water source contaminated with feces
1.8 Million
Children under the age of 5 die from diseases due to unclean water
* Death tolls are highly variable based on the infrastructure of the area of impact and what sources recorded the disaster.